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Firm Principles

Finding The Right People

We have built our company by developing teams of experienced professionals with a history of success and a work ethic wholeheartedly devoted to investment excellence. Creative and naturally skeptical, our investment professionals are conceptual, independent thinkers, who demonstrate enduring curiosity, open-mindedness and a zeal for discovering new and exciting investment opportunities. Competitive and results-oriented by nature, they accept individual responsibility and thrive on the challenge of surpassing expectations. Realistic and practical, they recognize that working as a team can add value for them and, most importantly, our clients.

Creating The Right Environment

Achieving exceptional results requires the right work environment and culture, one that allows self-motivated, challenge-seeking individuals the optimum platform to excel. While we expect our investment professionals to work within a guiding framework of investment principles, we allow them the freedom to evolve their own unique strategies for generating new investment ideas. To assist in allowing the process to evolve, we employ a team-oriented approach that combines peer scrutiny with individual responsibility. This respectful but frank questioning by the investment team assists us in identifying weaknesses of our proprietary research before we commit our client’s capital.



It’s the people who make the difference and there is no substitute for experience. Granite’s disciplined approach to investment decision-making applies the skills and experience of its portfolio managers, analysts, traders, and in-house legal counsel to the management of every account. Our portfolio managers average over 20 years of investment experience.



Granite’s investment process strikes a balance between group judgment and individual responsibility. Portfolio managers are guided by both the Investment and Research teams.  At Granite, good ideas can come from any member of the investment team.  All portfolio managers also serve as analysts. Finding the best investment opportunities means looking at them from all angles. This dialogue is respectful but uncompromising. Our people thrive in a team environment that challenges their thinking and keeps everyone focused on results.


Personalized Client Relations

Granite recognizes that every portfolio has unique characteristics and objectives; therefore, each account is managed with personalized service adhering to client goals. We strongly believe ongoing personal communication and good service form the foundation for building successful client relationships. Accounts are reviewed in person with clients at intervals selected by the client.


Personnel Practices​

It's simple. avoid conflicts of interest and always put client interests first.

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